This project is based on the superposition of IRL (In Real Life) images vs URL (virtual resources), emphasizing the use of resources found on PNG pages that talk about the artificiality of a virtualized reality. Virtual resources are landscapes and simulations generally used to take us to another spatial reference and seek to place the viewer in a state of naive happiness. A sensitive landscape that speaks of the appearance, virtuality, and decoration of the precarious.
“In a paradisiac climate, everything is clear and simple when you are performing basic acts necessary for survival... What a shock when they tell you it won't hurt and you almost turn inside out when they begin”. In search of the photographable, of metaphorical perfection, we find ourselves skating on clouds, like Sisyphus, we carry virtuality, posts, and appearance on our backs. This virtuality drags us and we fall. But it should be said that the rock is no longer heavy, it is now light and gaseous like a cloud. Then we don't fall because of the weight, now we slip and skate on clouds.
The border between the analog and the virtual questions us, since it is clear that reality is part of virtuality, however, we know that we live through the screen and the screen lives for us.