This work started from the superposition of IRL images (real life) in opposition to URL (virtual resources) around the artificiality of a virtualized reality. The virtual resources used are landscapes, simulations that are generally used to take us to another spatial reference and seek to place the viewer in a state of naive happiness.
This project is developed in three stages, a) the representation of the landscape in a natural and physical context, b) the repetition of a landscape in a natural and virtual context to end with c) the structuring of a landscape in a context utterly virtual that, therefore, will be a new reality achieved through resignified virtuality concerning the non-virtualized one. With this, I intend to express the process of breaking given by the images between the similarity and the representation to corroborate that the representation of the artificial landscape is virtual reality configured in parallel and repetition.
I begin my process by creating an artificial container. I use URLs as the surfaces of the world that are attached to memory, perhaps residues of the natural through artifice. Thus, we have an image that was mediated, a problem, and an inspiration. It was the border of the real and the virtual. The landscape became the physical representation of the cave. The allegory of the cave, or the cave of Plato; living through the screen, the screen lives for us, the platonic shadows are transformed mutatis mutandis into virtual content. The container mutates and becomes what is outside.
In this work, the first container will generate containers that will talk about the artificial and virtual, from two elements: the landscape and happiness (naive). All the pieces will play with the duality of not answering if they are images or physical or virtual spaces; potentially, they can be conceived in all three ways. A container may be inside another, using virtual tools such as 3D modelling, image editing, rendering, or the use of chroma as space/time barrier extenders.